Simultaneously, the BSE Sensex followed suit, leaping by 317.27 points or 0.43 per cent, commencing at 73,968.62. This enthusiastic start set a promising tone for the day's trading activities.
The company announced that it achieved its highest ever monthly cargo volumes, exceeding 38 MMT in March 2024. Ten of APSEZ ports and terminals handled record cargo volumes- Mundra 180 MMT, Tuna 10 MMT, Hazira 26 MMT, Mormugao 5 MMT, Karaikal 12 MMT, Ennore 13 MMT, Kattupalli 12 MMT, Krishnapatnam…
Ministry of Finance posted, "Ministry of Finance posted on X, "It has come to notice that misleading information related to new tax regime is being spread on some social media platforms. It is therefore clarified that: There is no new change which is coming in from 01.04.2024....."
The coffee is so good along with the fresh daily baked goods.
Made with real-fruit and cream. Strawberry, wild berry, and more.
Perfect for the home roasting enthusiast.
The streusel is perfectly buttery, with rich flavor from brown sugar.
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