Samajwadi Party replaced its candidate for the Khajuraho Lok Sabha constituency. The party has fielded Meera Deepak in place of Manoj Yadav. Meera Deepak will face Madhya Pradesh BJP president and sitting MP V D Sharma.
The Supreme Court on Monday expressed concern over non-functioning of CCTV cameras at the Noida court complex, where two lawyers were manhandled and sought a report over the funds that were not given despite requests.
Hitting out at BJP further, he said that raking an over 50-year-old issue shows how "divorced" BJP is from the political reality in the state of Tamil Nadu.
Amid mounting scrutiny over Congress party's financial dealings, former Congress leader Acharya Pramod Krishnam lashed out the Congress party on Monday stating that the 'money of the country has been looted' and hence the party has to deal with investigations.
Deputy Chief Minister D K Shivakumar today likened Congress leader Sowmya Reddy to his daughter and called upon the voters of Bengaluru South parliamentary constituency to elect her with a huge margin.
A fire broke out at a slum in Loni, Ghaziabad, officials said.
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