The upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha elections for the Ahmedabad West constituency in Gujarat, one among the 26 constituencies in the state, will be conducted in one single phase on May 7 (Phase 3). The counting and announcement of results will take place on June 4.
Senior Aam Admi Party leader and Delhi Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj said today the people are scared and it is a matter of grave concern for the country, stating that the British scared with the threat of jail and ruled us.
The Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) has issued a directive, effective from April 1, 2024, requiring all current beneficiaries to link their CGHS Beneficiary ID with their Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA) ID.
Six people were injured after a speeding car drove into the popular food joint, Fateh Kachori, in Delhi's Rajpur Road area. The driver, who is a lawyer by profession, has also been arrested, police said.
Soon after the fire department received information about the incident, it pressed several fire tenders into service.
According to police, the deceased a first-year diploma student at a college, died by suicide on March 28 at midnight.
The coffee is so good along with the fresh daily baked goods.
Made with real-fruit and cream. Strawberry, wild berry, and more.
Perfect for the home roasting enthusiast.
The streusel is perfectly buttery, with rich flavor from brown sugar.
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