Tripura Chief Minister Manik Saha on Monday said that the state has made significant strides in terms of law and order situation under the BJP-led state government. According to Saha, Tripura has moved forward to the third position from the fifth in the list of states with the least crimes.
The Delhi High Court on Monday acquitted four men and set aside the life sentence awarded by the trial court for alleged offences of Gang rape and kidnapping in July 2018. At the instance of prosecutrix, police had arrested all of them from their native village of District Mathura, Uttar…
Speaking at a rally during the submission of nomination by the Congress candidate in Mandya, he said, "There is no instance where the people of Mandya give up their pride and self-respect and hand over power to an outsider. People of Mandya don't entertain 'touring talkies' politics of Kumaraswamy."
The decades-old issue of Katchatheevu island continued to heat up on Monday, with both Bharatiya Janata Party and the Opposition training guns at each other, ahead of the Lok Sabha elections.
Following the guideline of the model code of conduct, Mumbai Police seized liquor worth 14.39 lakhs and detained a person from Sasmira Marg, Worli Mumbai.
BJP candidate from Kendrapara constituency in Odisha, Baijayant Jay Panda, offered prayers at Baladevjew temple in Kendrapara on Monday.
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