Defence exports have touched a record Rs 21,083 crore (approximately USD 2.63 billion) in the financial year 2023-24, with a growth of 32.5 per cent over the last fiscal when the figure was Rs 15,920 crore, a Ministry of Defence release said.
After returning from India to Los Angeles, Priyanka Chopra Jonas shared a video of her enjoying rain which was like music to her ears.
India's financial market regulator SEBI on Monday launched a new version of the SEBI Complaint Redress System (SCORES 2.0) as part of its efforts to protect investors' interests
Wireless subscription in urban areas increased from 633.44 million at the end of December 2023 to 633.96 million at the end of January 2024 and wireless subscription in rural areas also increased from 525.05 million to 526.75 million during the same period.
Arun Bansal, CEO of Adani Airports Holding, said on Monday that it is investing in both physical and digital infrastructure to enhance passengers' experiences and is committing significant capital expenditure.
Bengaluru (Karnataka) [India], April 1: Brickwork Ratings (BWR) is glad to announce the resumption of business and client onboarding following the order of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) order dated March 26, 2024. The SEBI order from September 2023 had previously restricted BWR from onboarding new clients…
The coffee is so good along with the fresh daily baked goods.
Made with real-fruit and cream. Strawberry, wild berry, and more.
Perfect for the home roasting enthusiast.
The streusel is perfectly buttery, with rich flavor from brown sugar.
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