Karnataka police have arrested two individuals for their alleged involvement in a harassment case in which two women were allegedly chased and harassed by a group of five men on two-wheelers in Bengaluru on Sunday, officials said on Monday.
Most parts of the country are likely to witness above normal maximum temperatures during April to June, with 10-20 days of heat waves expected in different parts, India Meteorological Department said on Monday.
Samajwadi Party replaced its candidate for the Khajuraho Lok Sabha constituency. The party has fielded Meera Deepak in place of Manoj Yadav. Meera Deepak will face Madhya Pradesh BJP president and sitting MP V D Sharma.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Monday said that former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru committed a blunder by implementing Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir, adding that it was Prime Minister Narendra Modi who abrogated Article 370 and raised the Indian flag in Union Territory.
According to the ASDMA, one died due to a storm while two others died in lightning and one 4-year-old child died in the boat capsize incident.
Aam Aadmi Party leader and Delhi Minister Gopal Rai on Sunday said Arvind Kejriwal, who is now in jail, is causing more trouble for his opponents than when he was free.
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