Imran Khan's lawyer Naeem Panjutha appeared before the court and filed a plea for the PTI founder's acquittal. Judicial Magistrate Sohaib Bilal asked about the number of cases that have been registered against the PTI founder. He further inquired whether a challan against Imran Khan was collected in the cases.
He expressed India's support for the Brazilian presidency's priority of reducing inequalities and emphasised on LiFE, women-led development, digital health, creative economy, mobility of talent and multilateral development bank (MDB) reforms.
Rauf Hassan, the party spokesperson, emphasised that all endeavours aimed at harming Imran Khan had failed, asserting, "It is prayed that the good series of events that started today continue, and the country comes out of the clutches of fascism."
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pledged to close down Al Jazeera news network following the passing of a comprehensive law on Monday, granting the government authority to ban foreign networks perceived as posing a threat to national security,
Harsh Vardhan Shringla has said that the northeastern state will always remain part of India and that fact will not change despite Beijing resorting to all sorts of tactics.
While addressing a press conference in Ahmedabad, he said that a large number of Indian nationals are in merchant navy. He stated that most of the crew members are Indian nationals in case of an attack on a ship and added that India is worried about their safety. He also…
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